Ormr Kishna

Aigiarn Chaghan

Savage Daughter

"To defeat evil, one must become the greater evil."
A mercenary for hire. A Xaela with a penchant for unwanted trouble and one with a short temper, try not to give the old girl some stress?


AGE: Late-20s (26-28)
HEIGHT: 5'7"
RACE: Au Ra Hybrid (Xaela/Raen)
IDENTITY: Genderfluid (She/They)
SEXUALITY: Demisexual Sapphic
DEITY: Nhaama, the Dusk Mother
NATION: Limsa Lominsa, Ishgard
ORIGIN: Azim Steppes

Born from the union of a Chaghan and a Malaguld, she was born with the true name Aigiarn Chaghan which was later discarded for the name, Ormr Kishna that she had inherited from her saviour and foster father.Living a life full of strife from the Chaghan's upbringing, the tribe brokered a deal and she was the price paid. Their Savage Daughter would be their living weapon... And their answer. Blood spilled at every earth and in exile she lived through her days.Forced to leave her childhood home, she fled to Ishgard with nothing but the dried blood on her back, in turn she was saved by a man named Einarr Hrafnsson, who later on took her as his own and teaching her all he knew of the ways of a Dark Knight but they all knew it was a band-aid solution at best to try and tame the monster beneath her skin.And the beast lied in wait, waiting for its time to be free once more. For they were simply two halves of the same coin. And therein lies a darker secret waiting to be unfold...Now, she simply works as a mercenary for hire under her foster father's daughter, Arndis de Gauthier, primarily working in Limsa Lominsa even if her sister's base of operation is in Ul'dah.


Ormr Kishna is a short-tempered Xaela who never reveals the face beneath her helm in fear of being recognised, only often removing the helm in places where she can easily blend in such as crowded markets or taverns and bars. Often times, she is easily annoyed if bothered too much by others but will grit her teeth and deal with it if it was part of the job. She will always maintain a healthy distance of aloofness and professionalism in order to ward off others from getting close to her on a personal level as a means to guard herself from others. As such she may come off callous to others. Add in the dash of sarcastic tendencies, a sharp tongue, and a colourful vocabulary, and she is a recipe for disaster.Though that maybe the case, Ormr beneath all her fiery personality also suffers greatly from anger issues and lack of self-control mainly due to her upbringing with the Chaghans. A tendency to bottle her emotions and pile it up with her survivor's guilt. The dissociation caused by her inner self does not help her case. Becoming a Dark Knight helped only so little especially when you cannot tell the difference between the monster and yourself.But for all her gruff and tough nature, it is softened by the fact she has a soft spot for those that wormed their way towards her vulnerable soul and on her lone times, she can be seen fishing as a means of relaxing. Just... Don't tell her you caught her doing so, lest you favour your life.

Hooks & Interests

  • Chaghan & The Steppe - Perhaps, you are from the Steppe just like her. Any mentions of her homeland brings about a certain yearning sadness of nostalgia and a fondness of quieter days. Though there is an aversion towards any mentions of visiting the place again but be warned... If you ever tell her that you're of the Chaghan tribe. No mercy will be offered for murderers and maurauders. Including herself.

  • Savage Daughter of The Steppe - Ormr was an infamy of the Steppe when she was young. A warmonger, a killer, a devourer. You may know her as Ormr but she was not always as such, she was the Chaghan's weapon. And perhaps, you were either her victims or the unfortunate consequence of her rage. Maybe something else... Yet it haunts her all the same, the anger that consumed her. The lives that were lost from her own hands.

  • Ouroboros & Mercenary Work - Maybe you've heard of the organisation, Ouroboros, ran by a charismatic Viera. A jack of all trades kind of place, where they'll get you any kind of information you need, an item that's hard to get, or maybe the type of job that needs protection. All done for the right price, of course. Need a muscle or a hand with anything? Ormr's your person.

  • The Void - If you're ever a void-touched or maybe one sensitive to the wonders of aether, perhaps Ormr's condition might interest you. Something dark lurks beneath her skin, roiling and waiting but violent all the same. You can feel its hunger. Danger, alluring and calling forth like a siren. It desires nothing but to consume life as a whole. She is empty.

  • Romance - Ormr has little interest in romance. If it happens, it happens but she would not deny the calling of the flesh if needed but take care to note that her heart has already been captured by a gentle Viera. Trying to romance her will merely be treated as nothing much but another night of passion but who knows you are free to try. Either be met by the kiss of a blade or the bite of her fangs. Maybe you'll even melt the ice around her heart?


  • Arndis de Gauthier - Foster sister, daughter of her saviour. Boss of Ouroboros.

  • Einarr Hrafnsson - Saviour, mentor, and father figure.

  • Chu'si Shyamal - The information has been violently scratched off and is unreadable.

  • Anastasia Loreley - Co-worker in Ouroboros.

  • Una Dei-ilja - Partner/Lover, in an open relationship but they care for one another deeply despite the rocky start of their relationship.


Clicking on the photos will redirect you to the artists' page, feel free to visit these people, their art is chef's kiss! By that I mean give them love or I'm going to end you if you don't. <3